[2nd Period] The physician shortage and work style reforms: Can cardiovascular care be maintained in an exhausted field? - "If you don't know, it won't change"! Cardiologists feel the absurdity of medical care.

[2nd Period] The physician shortage and work style reforms: Can cardiovascular care be maintained in an exhausted field? - "If you don't know, it won't change"! Cardiologists feel the absurdity of medical care.

The medical field is facing a challenging situation due to changes in the external environment, such as reforms in work styles, declining reimbursement prices, and consumption tax hikes, etc. TCROSS NEWS asked Dr. Toshiki Mano of Chuo University Business School; a medical doctor and an expert on health care policy and economics, the questions that our members have on a daily basis regarding salaries and the shortage of cardiologists, and the causes and countermeasures for these issues.  

Dr. Toshiki Mano's Biography

Dr. Mano graduated from Nagoya University School of Medicine in 1987. After working as a physician, MBA, MD, PhD in economics, specialist in general internal medicine, clinician, pharmaceutical company management, and chief researcher at Daiwa Institute of Research, he became a specially appointed professor at Tama University Graduate School. He is also a professor at Chuo University Graduate School and a member of the Expert Committee for Independent Administrative Institution Evaluation, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. He is considering reforms in the medical and nursing care industry from the perspective of management and innovation.

[Figure 1]
[Table 1]

Recently, we hear people saying that they are suffering from a shortage of doctors, and according to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW), the number of doctors has been increasing year after year ([Figure 1]).

However, a closer look reveals that the increasing number of cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons has been decreasing since a certain period, while the number of physicians in non-urgent medical specialties such as ophthalmology and cosmetic surgery has been increasing ([Table 1]).

In 2024, reforms to the way physicians work will be implemented, and the government plans to establish strict regulations on overtime work. With the decreasing number of new physicians who are interested in cardiovascular medicine, will the reform of work styles be fulfilled?


What is the cause of the shortage of physicians in the field of cardiovascular medicine?

With regard to the physician shortage, it is necessary to understand the physician shortage separate...
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